ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
En Ru
ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
For authors

For authors

The journal "Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin" is published four times a year. Articles, reviews, short reports and other materials on the main areas of research and educational work of the Higher School of Translation and Interpreting (Faculty),   Lomonosov Moscow State University are accepted for publication. The journal is open for publication of research results of specialists in the field of translation studies from other Russian and foreign scientific institutions and higher educational institutions. The publication period is 3-4 months from the date of receipt of the article by the editorial board. When an article is submitted to the editorial office, the date of receipt is marked. Articles are placed according to the thematic principle. All articles are checked for plagiarism.

The copyright on any article remains with the author(s).

Requirements for the format of the text of the article:
– the volume of the manuscript 10-15 pages;
– margins 2.54 × 3.17 cm;
– one and a half line spacing;
– Times New Roman font (12 kegels);
– text in Word without formatting;
– the text is sent by e-mail to: . No electronic media and printed text are accepted.

Requirements for the article:
– at the beginning of the article, a separate line on the left indicates the type of article – scientific article, review article, editorial article, discussion article, personalities, editorial note, review, chronicle, summary, etc.;
– UDC of the article;
– DOI or email address of the article on the Internet.
– title;
– First name, patronymic surname of the author(s)[ Place of work/study
© indication of the copyright holder of the article] in full – at the bottom of the page a footnote indicating the place of work or study of the author, repeated when translated into English (if there are two or more authors, footnotes are given to each)

For contacts: e-mail address (the author's e-mail address is given without the word “e-mail”, no dot is put after the e-mail address). You can specify the contact of one author responsible for the correspondence);

– an abstract is required in Russian (200-250 words) and English (300-350 words) languages where the following should be stated: Goal (Object); Methods (Methods); Results (Findings); Conclusions (Conclusions).

– availability of a list of keywords after the annotation in Russian and English. Keywords – 5-10 words. 

Keywords are separated from each other by a comma, a period is not put at the end.
The abstract in English should not be a literal translation (tracing paper) of the author's summary in Russian. The desired structure of the abstract reflects the structure of the article and includes the following: introduction, goals, objectives, methods, results, conclusion / conclusions (may be accompanied by recommendations, assessments, suggestions, hypotheses described in the article) - thereby fully giving an idea of the content of the article.

Next, after the Keywords in Russian (example):

For citation: Author/Authors. Article title // Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin, year. no. P. ?–?.

The article was received by the editorial office on… (number.month.year);
approved after reviewing on…  (number.month.year);
accepted for publication on… (number.month.year).

Next after Keywords:

For citation: Author/Authors (year). Heading. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 22. Teorija Perevoda. – Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin.  no. ?. P. ? –?. doi:

The article was received on…  (month.number.year);
approved after reviewing on… (month.number.year);
 accepted for publication on… (month.number.year).

The article should clearly indicate the relevance, scientific significance, research results and conclusions. Any borrowings of materials from other sources should be properly formalized by reference, and the name of the source referred to by the author should be indicated in the list of references.

The text of the article should be divided into parts, the headings should be signed: Abstract. Keywords. Introduction. Relevance. Materials and methods. Literary Review. Results. Discussions. Conclusions. Acknowledgements, etc., References;

– an article that does not have a division into sections, but has a solid text without headings, cannot be considered scientific. It is necessary to highlight the introduction and conclusion, and it is desirable to form thematic subsections within the article, in accordance with the logic and main accents of the presentation;

– tables, diagrams, and other illustrative material must be additionally submitted in PDF or JPG format. For better readability of Russian–language articles by foreign readers and experts, signatures and explanations to illustrations (photos, diagrams, tables, etc.) must be drawn up in two languages in parallel - in Russian and English. All tables and diagrams should also be presented in Russian and English;

– notes in the form of page-by-page footnotes. Bibliographic references: in the text –  the surname of the author(s) is indicated in parentheses/the name of the collection or others . source, year of publication and pages. For example: (Ivanov, 1998: 125). When re-quoting: (Там же: 128) for Russian-language sources or (Ibid.: 123) for foreign-language sources, abbreviations of words, names, titles are not allowed, except for generally accepted;

– the list of references – immediately after the article: without numbering, in alphabetical order by the surnames of the authors or the name of the source (first Russian authors and translated editions, then foreign authors). The List of references indicates only those authors and sources that are referenced in the text. The bibliographic description is given in the following order: authors' surnames and initials, full title of the monograph, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, pages; for periodicals – authors' surnames and initials, article title, journal title, year of issue, volume, number, pages. First, Russian-language publications, then publications in foreign languages. In publications in foreign languages, the year of issue is placed after the author's surname. References to unpublished works are not allowed.

The References list contains all publications of the Bibliography list in Romanized form, arranged according to the English alphabet. This includes transliterated Russian-language sources with the translation of their names into English. For example: Garbovsky N. (2015) Sistemologicheskaya model' nauki o perevode. Transdisciplinarnost' i sistema nauchnyh znanij – Sistemological Model of Translatology: Transdisciplinarity and the System of Science Knowledge. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya. 22. Teoriya perevoda. No. 1, pp. 3-20 (In Russian), and sources in foreign languages (in the original language). In References, the year of publication of the source is placed after the author's surname in parentheses. References in foreign languages remain only in the original version in languages with Latin script; in languages with other writing – with a translation into Russian.

When transliterating, it is recommended to use the BGN/PCGN (United States Board on Geographic Names / Permanent Committee on Geographic Names for British Official Use) standard, recommended by the international publishing house Oxford University Press as the British Standard. For the convenience of transliteration of the text in accordance with the BGN standard, you can use the link: , where this procedure is performed automatically.

What should be transliterated?

When preparing the References section, the following items are transliterated: The surname, initials of the author (if there is no author, then the full name of the editor is transliterated, which are taken from the information about responsibility, placed behind one slash); the title of the article; the name of the journal/ collection; the name of the publisher

It is not required to transliterate (must be presented in English): Place of publication (city, in full); service words denoting output data or type of publication, including volume, No., edition, issue, book, part, electronic resource, access mode, dissertation, abstract, conference proceedings, etc. Only English characters should be used in the English block, the presence of Cyrillic characters is not allowed. Punctuation marks (including quotation marks) should be used according to the rules of the English language (it is necessary to replace the quotation marks "herringbone" with "paws"). If the sources provide a link to the Cyrillic domain, the link should be redone for the English block (but not transliterated).

In English, it is advisable to provide the following information: The name of the journal (especially if it is a modern journal included in the List of the Higher Attestation Commission). The verified translation of the name of such a journal should be published on the official website of the publication (in accordance with the Requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission); The title of the article published in a modern journal included in the List of Higher Attestation Commission.

After the automatic transliterator should be corrected:
– instructions on volume (t.), number (no.), page (s.), article (s.), in the book (In the book), series (Ser.), issue (Issue), part (Part), chapter (Chapter), (etc.), The editions should be translated into English Vol., No., pp., articl, in, ser., ussue, part, ch., et al. accordingly. 


The element of the Russian description

the English equivalent of



with a small letter

С. 101—109.

pp. 101—109

About the page interval

658 с.

658 p.

About the number of pages in the publication

с. 15

p. 17

About the link to a specific number of one page

Вып. 2

Issue 2







For example, in two books, book 2nd

Изд. 2-е, перераб. и доп.

ed. 2

Ed. 2nd, reprint. and add. ed. 2 is not used in the English block

 / авт.-сост.


 Information about responsibility. If the source does not have an author, the information is transferred to the beginning of the description




[Электронный ресурс]

Not used in the English block

режим доступа:

available at:

 access mode


available at:


(дата обращения: 11.01.2016)

(accessed: 11.01.2016)

About the link to the electronic resource

Диссертация на соискание учёной степени доктора философских наук

Dr. philos. sci. diss.

 Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Dr. philos. sci. diss.

Автореферат диссертации на соискание учёной степени кандидата философских наук

Cand. philos. sci. diss. Abstr.

 Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Cand. philos. sci. diss. Abstr.           






 collection (in the description of archival documents)



aids  (in the description of archival documents)



folder (in the description of archival documents)


p. (pp.)

sheet (in the description of archival documents)



 turnover (in the description of archival documents)



(in the description of museum documents)

Собрание сочинений

Collected Works


Полное собрание сочинений

Complete Works



Selected Works


Writing mandatory elements of the list of references in English: abstracts, materials (works), scientific conferences, seminars, etc., dissertations and abstracts;

– all abbreviations of cities should be expanded: "M." − in "Moscow"; "St. Petersburg" – in "St. Petersburg"; "L." – in "Leningrad"; "N.Y." – in "New York", etc.;
– in References, oblique lines are removed and replaced with commas;
– the name of the publishing house must be translated into English if it is an organization ("Moscow St. Univ. Publ."), and transliterated if the publishing house has its own name indicating in English that it is a publishing house ("Nauka Publ.", "MediaMir Publ.");

Examples of the design of the List of References and References and instructions for transliteration are further given from the open source "Scientific and practical peer–reviewed journal on Library and Book business in the space of information culture".

Link to the article in the journal:
Author A.A., Author B.B., Author C.C. (2015) Nazvanie stat’i — Title of the Article, Nazvanie zhurnala — Title of Journal, vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 962—98 (In Russian).

Information about the authors is placed after References: in Russian: INFORMATION ABOUT THE AUTHOR/AUTHORS, and then in English: ABOUT THE AUTHORS:

basic information about the author contains: the name, patronymic, surname of the author (in full); the name of the organization (institution), its division, where the author works or studies (without the designation of the organizational and legal form of the legal entity: FGBUN, FGBOU VO, PAO, JSC, etc.); the address of the organization (institution), its departments where the author works or studies (city and country); the author's email address (e-mail); Open Researcher and Contributor ID –ORCID) (if available). The address of the organization (institution) where the author works or studies can be specified in full. The ORCID is given in the form of an e-mail address on the Internet. There is no dot at the end of the ORCID. The name of the organization (institution), its address, e-mail address and ORCID of the author are separated from each other by commas.

The author(s) is provided with the proofreading of the article. No changes to the layout, except for correcting typos and restoring what was missed during typing, are allowed. The corrected and signed proofreading should be returned to the editorial office within two days after receipt.

The authors are responsible for the selection and reliability of the facts, quotations, economic and statistical data, proper names, geographical names and other information. In each article, the authors indicate the absence of a conflict of interest and the contribution of the authors to the work.

The decision-making on the publication/rejection of a manuscript does not depend on the race, ethnicity, gender, religious beliefs, citizenship or political beliefs of the authors, but is based solely on the reliability and scientific significance of the materials presented in it, compliance with the subject of the journal, originality, clarity and relevance of the research, and compliance with the current legislation in the field of copyright, and the desire to exclude possible cases of plagiarism. The presence of positive reviews is not a sufficient reason for the publication of the article. 

The final decision on the expediency of publication is made by the editorial board. Manuscripts received for review are treated as confidential material that cannot be used for personal purposes or transferred to third parties. The selection of articles for publication in the journal is carried out on the basis of double-blind peer review. The principle of making a decision on the publication of a manuscript:

•two positive reviews – the article is accepted;
•one negative review – the article is rejected.

The decision to accept, reject or send the article for revision based on the comments of reviewers is made and reported to the author within three months from the date of receipt of the article by the editorial office (questions and comments of reviewers are attached). Articles corrected by the authors according to the comments of reviewers are re-reviewed. Articles sent to the authors for revision and not returned to the editorial office by the designated deadline are excluded from the editorial portfolio. The final decision on the publication or rejection of the article is made by the editorial board of the journal.

The reviews are kept in the publishing house and in the editorial office of the publication for 5 years. The editorial board sends copies of the reviews to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation upon receipt of a corresponding request to the editorial office of the publication.

A license copyright agreement is concluded with all authors. To draw up the contract , the following are specified:
1. Full name,
2. place of work, position held,
3.Academic degree and title, no. ORCHID
4. contact details (email address, phone number),
5. passport number, issued by whom and when,
6. address (place of registration and address for correspondence).

If there is financial support for the preparation of the article, at the end of the article, after the Information about the authors, a letter of Thanks and a text are written to whom gratitude is expressed for the support or the full name of the grants, indicating the name of the project, the number and the grantee.

After the issue is published, the editorial board sends the electronic copy of the journal to the author free of charge.

Materials should be sent to the following e-mail address: . Tel.: 8 (495) 932 80 72.

There is no publication fee. Manuscripts are not returned. In all cases of printing defects, please contact the printing house.